From Jan 15th to Mar 10th, 2025 Monday 18:00 to 20:30, room VIR-Non-CR Non-Credit (Online) Wednesday 18:00 to 20:30, room VIR-Non-CR Non-Credit (Online) Group number W25-510012-1
Prerequisite: English as a Second Language—Level 1 or equivalent Overall Goals: - Help the students who can only deal with simple situations (like introducing themselves and others, ordering food in a restaurant, asking for directions, or making a complaint) to communicate effectively in various everyday situations.
- Develop students’ receptive and productive skills to help them communicate fluently and accurately in familiar and unfamiliar situations in both personal and professional contexts.
Intended Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be able to: - Make arrangements for practising an activity
- Discuss habitual activities and future plans
- Describe good and bad vacation experiences and discuss vacation preference
- Discuss clothing do’s and don’ts
- Ask for different sizes and colors, discuss shopping preferences and methods of payment
- Discuss transportation schedules and buying tickets
- Identify kinds of tickets and trips and understand airport announcements
- Book travel services and describe transportation problems
- Bargain for a lower price and describe good and bad deals
- Ask for recommendations and show appreciation for service
- Write a personal letter or email to give advice or details of a trip
- Vocabulary activities (flashcards, matching, crosswords, etc.)
- Brainstorming
- Modeling and practicing conversations
- Pronunciation activities
- Pair and group discussions
- Listening activities (listening for gist for specific information and for details)
- Reading activities (skimming and scanning tasks)
- Grammar activities and games
Required Material: - Headphones and an external microphone
- High-speed stable internet connection
- Access to a computer with a minimum of Windows 7 or Mac G5
- E-Book
Title: Top Notch—Level 1—eText + MyEnglishLab Access Code (12 months) (For Dawson Level 1 and Level 2) Authors: Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher Copyright: 2019 Student eText, ISBN 978-013-5692356 Price: Approximately $43.00 To purchase your e- book please click the following link: Dawson's Bookstore
Information on how to access your e-book:
Step 1: You must create a Pearson English Portal Account (PEP) by following the instructions in the link provided below.
Pearson English Portal Account (PEP)
Step 2: You must create a My English Lab Account (MEL) by following the instructions in the link provided below.
My English Lab Account (MEL)
Should you encounter any issues when attempting to access your e-book, you must contact Pearson support directly at the following link: Pearson SupportOR- Hardcover Book
Title: Top Notch—Level 1—Student Book w/Active Book & MyEnglishLabAuthors: Joan Saslow & Allen AscherCopyright: 2015 ISBN 978 – 0137332328 Price: Approximately $61.50 To purchase your hardcover book please click the following link: Dawson's Bookstore ***Students may choose to purchase either an e-book or a hardcover book, not both. ***Purchase should only be made after the first class. Costs description
June 5 to Aug. 5 (no class June 24 - St-Jean Baptiste & July 1 - Canada Day /