This course is designed to improve professional communication skills in French, focusing on both oral and written interactions. It covers essential grammar, vocabulary, and structures to enable effective communication in various professional scenarios.
PREREQUISITES OR PRIOR KNOWLEDGEFrench Level A2 (CEFR) or Level 4 (Quebec Scale)
If you are unsure of your level, see if you meet the following criteria:
• Can you follow the general meaning of brief everyday conversations in French?
• Can you understand requests and clear, concrete information expressed in simple sentences?
• Are you able to recognize and use basic French vocabulary?
TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESThis course combines interactive lectures, hands-on exercises, and real-world communication scenarios. As a class and in small groups, students will practice telephone protocols, voicemail etiquette, and strategies for clear email correspondence. Through role-plays, grammar exercises, and practical writing tasks, participants will develop confidence in handling common professional situations in French.
LEARNING OBJECTIVESAt the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Communicate by phone clearly (understand the interlocutor, leave and take messages, manage difficult situations) .
- Write clear and effective professional emails while adhering to the norms governing the rules of French written communication.
- Consolidate basic grammar concepts by applying them to real-life situations.
Required Material: - Headphones and an external microphone
- High-speed stable internet connection
- Access to a computer with a minimum of Windows 10 or Mac G5
- Book
Paperback Book
Title: Grammaire progressive du français, A2-B1 intermédiaire 4th edition, 2017
ISBN: 9782090381030
Price: Approximately $ 63.95
Author: Maïa Grégoire, Odile Thiévenaz
Publisher: CLE Internationale
To purchase your book please click on the following link : Dawson Bookstore
***Purchase should only be made
after the first class.