Prerequisite : Japanese Conversation—Level 2 or equivalent
Overall Goals: - This course enables the student to reinforce the notions acquired in Level 2, as well as acquire new ones. Students will learn to converse with more fluency on different topics dealing with real life and familiar situations through various oral, listening and written exercises.
Such activities are aimed at helping students gain self-confidence in Japanese, to exchange information, report facts about their lives and others and express their opinion on different subjects of interest. Attention will also be devoted to cultural aspects of the Japanese world.
Intended Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Methodology: - Grammar
- Role play
- Vocabulary
- Individual presentation
- Pronunciation
- Listening activities
- Kanji
- Reading activities
Required Material: - Headphones and an external microphone
- High-speed stable internet connection
- Access to a computer with a minimum of Windows 10 or Mac G5
- Title: Marugoto: Japanese language and culture “Elementary1 A2” “Rikai”
Authors: Japan Foundation (Hiromi Kijima; Tomoyo Shibahara; Naomi Hatta)
Price: Approximately $ 44.00 ($ 32.00 Kindle Edition)
To purchase your book please click one of the following links : - Kindle Edition
OR - Hard Cover
***Students may choose to purchase
either an e-book or a hardcover book,
not both. ***Purchase should only be made
after the first class.
Schedule descriptionNo class April 21 - Easter Monday & May 19 - National Patriots' Day