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Computer & Technology

Emploi Quebec
Emploi Quebec (Online registration only)


Confucius Institute in Quebec
Chinese Language Courses


General & Professional Interests

Testing Center

EQ HTML Language - Intermediate 

Services Québec

Cost 48.00$
Age from 16 years
Available places 3
Duration 24 hours

Online registration is closed. Please add your name to the Waiting list so that you will be contacted when the course is next available.

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EQ HTML Language - Intermediate
From Feb 5th to Mar 26th, 2019
Tuesday 18:30 to 21:30, room 2F.24 Laboratory - Computer Science
Group number W19-922031

Prerequisite:Introduction to Macintosh or Windows or equivalent knowledge and familiarity with the internet

Duration: 45 hours

This course offers a comprehensive look at HTML, the markup language used to create web pages. It is assumed that the students have a basic knowledge of Web Development when entering the course. They will be introduced to elements that will result in building successful websites such as page structure, navigation and organizing data using tables as well as interaction with the users via the use of web forms. We will also look at the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) and understand how to navigate through it.

This course also offers a look at Cascading Style Sheets (including some CSS3 techniques). Design concepts such as two and three column page layouts, navigation strategy and site styling will be covered. Also, there will be a brief introduction to responsive web pages using bootstrap allowing you to build sites that look and perform appropriately on every platform (desktop, tablet, mobile).

We will learn how to include JavaScript/jQuery libraries to your pages and where to find web resources for specific tasks. There will be also be an introduction on Process and Design which includes: how to approach building your site, understanding your audience and their needs, site maps and wireframes, and a brief description of what is SEO.

By the end of the course, students will have learned to develop focused, effective sites and will have published a small personal site to an external server.

Courses subsidized by Emploi-Québec


You are eligible to take these courses if you are:
  • a seasonal worker who is not currently working, but retains ties with his/her employer;
  • self-employed;
  • overqualified for the position you currently hold and the course is relevant to your area of study.
You are not eligible to take these courses if you are:
  • employed in the public or para-public sector;
  • a full-time student;
  • unemployed and/or receiving employment insurance or welfare;
  • receiving CSST (worker's compensation) from the SAAQ.

Maximum of two (2) courses per person.
Maximum of three (3) registrations per establishment.
